Today’s Guest Post features inspired words from friends of GoneGirlGo who have a penchant for personal development.

Good Morning Great Women!

I find myself perplexed as I contemplate today’s culture of honesty or the lack thereof.

After all, what is so wrong with telling the truth?

We seem to be in this whole “Fake it ‘til you make it” culture.

But why?

Doesn’t that mean we are only lying to ourselves and others? Or choosing to find comfort in an alternate version of our reality.

Why not “Faith it ’til you make it” instead?

Opting to be honest about where you are on life’s journey. After all, “There’s beauty in the struggle.” right?  (Shout out to J. Cole)

I mean really, what’s problematic about honoring where you are at this very moment? Embracing the strength that comes from telling your story with integrity and truth.

Filling the next chapter of your life with statements like,
I’m in repair.
I’m rebuilding.
I’m rebranding,
or simply,
I’m starting over.

Why is that so hard to admit?

Perhaps your hesitation comes from the negative implications of such statements. Maybe they give the appearance of failure, the realization of it, or both. 

Or perchance, you view them through jaundice lenses instead of rose-colored glasses.

Opting to view your truth in muted shades instead of the vibrant hues these statements represent.  

Time to refocus, Sis.

Choose to see the beauty in admitting where you are and how doing so places you in a position of power as you begin anew. Bringing everything under your tutelage because THIS time you come equipped!

You come armed with all of the things gleaned from the previous attempts. Valuable resources like experience, knowledge, and a network of connections built along the way.

You’ve grown wiser. Your discernment, impeccable.

Carrying forth only things germane to this new part of your journey because you are now strong enough to leave the rest behind.

No longer are you the Bag Lady overburdened by excess. You are set free by your truth and illuminated by your potential.


You are lit in more ways than the world can comprehend.

Relish in that because that is you and you are awesome. No additives or preservatives needed.

Now how about that truth!

Kelly is a composition of all things inspiring. She has an overwhelming affinity for journaling and photography; combining the two in a way that makes her soul visible. As the artistic flair of K. Adrianna Creations and the architect of the Facebook Group, Good Morning Great Women, Kelly shares her journey to wholeness in hopes of encouraging other women to do the same. Catch a glimpse of her on IG at Greatness Personified (@i_amgr8ness).