Hello Again Change

My life was bound to change over the 3 years that I last touched GoneGirlGo and when we last spoke.

  • I graduated with a Master of Education specializing in e-learning.
  • Both my daughters left home and went to live in not-so-far-away cities.
  • My son became a teenager.
  • I moved for the umpteenth time.
  • I also moved to the tail end of my 40s.
  • And most importantly, I reconciled with my husband after a very long separation.

Yet, one thing that didn’t change for me was my earnest desire to keep GoneGirlGo alive. I continued to pay for the website hosting, even though I hadn’t laid a finger on the website. I’d visit it occasionally imagining what would it be if I hadn’t stopped. I’d smile at my early blogging attempts and the comments left by my followers. I shed tears while reading my posts because I’d recall how my life was back then. I felt a tinge of guilt because I didn’t keep going.

One day last Fall it hit me. Everything that I had learned in the previous iteration of GoneGirlGo actually coalesced and I began to feel an strong urge to relaunch it, despite the change that I had gone through.

Have you ever experienced change that took you on a different route in life, but you still dreamed about the one idea that came to you a while ago?

I’ll admit, thinking about it felt daunting. (Tingling sensation in my toes. Knot in my gut. Sweaty palms.)

  • I didn’t have a plan.
  • The support network that I once had wasn’t quite the same. 
  • If I didn’t pick a date, it wasn’t happening.
  • My life had changed so my platform and message had to change.
  • The website needed serious updating.
  • I’d forgotten much of what I learned about WordPress.
  • I had no followers so I wasn’t clear about my audience and how I could help them.

A small, but loud voice said “So. Just because it’s daunting doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do it.”

I took up the challenge: mapped my strategy, shared it with a few lovely women, had a cool graphic designer redesign the logo, took an awesome website writing course, identified my audience, developed my first piece of content, networked with a local group of bloggers, took some fabulous pictures, wrote a few blog posts, and finally arrived at my destination, the Spring relaunch.

Relaunching GoneGirlGo has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. I’m so grateful for second chances and change. I’m also excited that you’re joining me on this journey. I’ve kept most of the original blog posts from 2012 and 2013 in tact so that you when you get a chance, can read them for a little background about GoneGirlGo. See Throw Back Posts in the sidebar for a few of them.

Before I go, know that I’m really curious about you. If you downloaded the guide or read other pages on my site, you got a sense that I’m down for helping you get that idea out of your head and into the universe.

So my question to you is “Have you ever experienced change that took you on a different route in life, but you still dreamed about the one idea that came to you a while ago?” If your answer is yes, I’d like to prep a few solutions and locate a few resources that can help you. Let me know how. Leave your response in the comment area or on the GoneGirlGo Facebook page. For a private exchange email me at zoe@gonegirlgo.com.

I’ve got a few things up my sleeve so stay tuned and don’t forget to share your feedback with me.

Hello again, girls