At the end of the Challenge Me to Grow pilot two weeks ago, I asked the group to sum up their experience by sharing lessons that they are learning, lessons that they have learned, and lessons that they want to teach others. It's an evaluation strategy that promotes...
Living the GoneGirlGo Life: Imani
My one wish throughout the development of this movement has been that it would profoundly impact women. I haven't conducted any research or taken any polls, but based on the feedback that I have been getting on Facebook and Twitter, GoneGirlGo is creating a little...
What Really Feels Good to Me
I am fond of Seth Godin. He has written a dozen of bestsellers. He is pushing forward a non traditional publishing movement under The Domino Project. He founded and runs Squidoo.com. I think I like him most because He blogs everyday - simple, brief and brilliant...